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A Decade Of Delightful Clients And Work We Are Proud Of

There really is no diminishing how much can happen in 10 years.

For context, 10 years ago no one would have guessed mom jeans and bell bottoms would be back in fashion, adults were busy trying to master the ‘Nae Nae’ and the idea that down the line human beings would be running around worried about the possibility of AI taking over the world would have been laughable.

For Game Changer Marketing, 10 years is a lot between earning a good number of awards, onboarding new colleagues, bidding goodbye to others, expanding the offices, renovating the expanded offices, winning campaign pitches, never hearing back about some, late nights, early mornings, birthday cakes, office pizza and as would be a crime to leave out – the frequent Friday drinks fondly called “The Shabeen”. Somewhere in all that, hitting the decade mark – still changing the game is a group of like-minds whose values connect them in the every day .

But that’s the long story.

The short story is the one where everyone who walks through the Game Changer doors finds kindred spirits, forges lasting bonds, and, if they eventually depart, leave with an invaluable treasure trove of experiences.

Game Changer Marketing is more than an agency—it’s a haven where values converge, and where, for a decade, a collective spirit has persistently and passionately kept the game changing.

We asked the Game Changer team mates – from the longest-service employees to the newest interns – about the outstanding memories they hold from working within the Game Changer office walls and beyond on a field in the furthest part of the country. Memories tell us a lot about the impact experiences leave on our audiences. This may be why the very famous quote by Maya Angelou is often spoken around the said office like a mantra: “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”.


Wings to Fly

By Albert who learns quicker by the beach

As soon as I was hired as an intern, I was put on the next flight to Mombasa to help the team on ground. I got a chance to learn the ins and outs of experiential marketing hands on and the ball has never stopped rolling ever since. I was thrown in the deep end and swam to shore (pun intended)


The Joy of Christmas

By Andrew who has a newly found appreciation for Santa’s work

The biggest Christmas tree that would easily make an adult feel like a child again was one I looked at everyday at work in my first month at Game Changer. It depicted how childhood fantasies can fuel creativity, formed and fueled the appreciation of an innovative communion.


A Win-Win

By Arthur who can keep a secret

The New Year tradition of the Secret Santa gift exchange is a favorite for me. I have been around for two and I cannot imagine a better way to set the pace for a great year as a team.

I always enjoy the process of secretly figuring out what the colleague I am gifting loves or enjoys and the satisfaction when they learn of the thought process behind the gift. Well, that and the fact that I can just gift them in person without the need for going down a chimney. If anything, I get to leave with a gift myself and retain my milk and cookies. At the end of the day, everybody goes home happy.


The Transition

By Beatrice who is still standing from the early, early days

I am beyond honored to be among the few staff members who have watched Game Changer grow. I remember when we were a handful of employees in a small office that now has been expanded to fit all the wonderful brains and hearts. It has been a beautiful unfolding and a testament to the power of believing in our dreams.


One Right Decision

By Betty whose journey is still unfolding

What started as me volunteering as a brand ambassador for a campaign because I had a few extra hours on my hand after campus, ended up with me working within the organization, with a couple of award-winning projects under my belt. The progression of my journey working with Game Changer has been one for the books. The first day however is forever etched in my mind because it was so pivotal in my journey and I had no idea.


Brazil Vibes in Kenya

By Damaris who better than anyone understands that “Go Big or Go Home” is not just a saying

Brazil to Macha courtesy of Coca Cola is unforgettable for me. We literally brought Brazil to Machakos during the 2014 World Cup season. I remember recruiting our 500 crew delegation that came all the way from Nairobi – over a hundred brand ambassadors, a marching band and animator showstoppers. We brought Machakos to a standstill pulling a crowd of over 20,000 people at the Machakos Peoples Park, who we then struggled to disperse back to their homes after the event.


Creativity in Abundance

By Doreen who now can’t stop talking at brainstorm meetings

The memory of my first experience in a brainstorm session is one that never fails to make me chuckle. I remember almost getting whiplash trying to keep up with all the different creative ideas being bounced off of the team members in the room. All the while, feeling too timid to even share what I assumed was a half-baked, not up to par contribution, if not for the encouragement and requirement that everyone speak up and share their thoughts. This I realized, is how ideas are born – a collective effort.

This magical thing happens when you toss a bunch of diverse ideas into the mix during a brainstorming session – it’s like a wild collision of creativity. It’s not chaos, though; it’s more like the universe aligning to birth something entirely new. We all see the world through different lenses, right? Well, I came to see how, in a brainstorm, those perspectives collide and blend, forming this three-dimensional concept that’s like a brainstorm baby. The end result is not just a sum of parts; it’s a living, breathing idea that comes to life experientially.

It’s the coolest thing – a vibrant, dynamic fusion of minds shaping something way more awesome than any single person could’ve dreamed up.

In hindsight, that first brainstorm moment set the tone for what to expect working with the Game Changer team and what a wonderful ride it’s been.


The Winning Team

By Frankie whose trophy display shelf has one less spot

Getting awarded as first runners up for DRINKIQ, a project I managed, in the Non-Profit category during the 2023 Marketing Society of Kenya awards was a standout moment for me.

The honor and recognition for our work and passion reminded me to always do my best because you never know who is watching.


Coming and Going

By Gabriel who is fond of new beginnings

I remember the hearty welcome I got coming into the company. The individual introduction to every one and the bright smiles welcoming me to the team made my first day so seamless.

In the same breath, during my time, I have witnessed the grace in which employees who are leaving to explore other ventures get sent off with lots of blessings and celebration.


The Paradigm Shift

By Irene whose has truly lived out the name Game Changer

It was after the launch of the BLAZE by Safaricom campaign.

I was on a train ride back from the venue and I remember feeling like we had conquered the world. Without exaggeration, it felt like an out of world experience listening to the guests go on about how much they had loved the event – whose magnitude and caliber had never been experienced in that space before. And we did that.

At that moment, something shifted and I realized I was part of a bigger plan and that bigger and amazing things could be achieved.


Stepping Up

By James who clearly is a Jack of more than one trade

I will live to remember the one time we had just finished setting up for a project on ground then unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned. As an event planner, you always expect the unexpected but the unexpected of the day was that for some reason, the brand ambassadors could not get there on time. Guess who had to step up? Me (among others). The ask was literally to stop being the sound guy behind the scenes and become the news broadcaster in front of the camera. Regardless, we put on our brand ambassador boots and got the job done. Crisis averted.


The Limitless Sky

By Jemimah who will happily pass on the comfort zone

When I joined Game Changer, I lacked prior experience in the field, which presented a potential hurdle. Surprisingly, the company embraced my potential and demonstrated a commitment to nurturing me so that I could move past the familiar and be brave enough to embrace the unexplored.

The company’s provision of mentorship, guidance, and invaluable insight enabled me to quickly adapt and served as a confidence boost.


Careful What You Wish For

By Joseph who is an advocate of trusting the process

Handling a 360 campaign for BAT while being four years young in the company will always stand out to me. We created the campaign ideation, key visuals, brought sets to life, directed interviews, photoshoots, video shoots, branding, digital communications, teasers, storms, floor plans, brand ambassador scripts, emcee scripts, brand manager scripts and finally the event flow and brand experience – all of it.

I was granted full reign over the project. I was soon engaging with clients and suppliers and occasionally getting star struck by all the talent aboard that project. This was a full circle moment because I remembered “Having the ability and the opportunity to execute a project end to end” as my simple answer to “Where do you see yourself in five years?” during my interview. And there I was in full swing.


Crossing Boundaries

By Kennedy whose literal and hypothetical journey is full of pleasant surprises

I remember getting the opportunity to travel to Uganda while working on a Predator Energy campaign. I had not envisioned that my time at Game Changer would lead me to working across the East African countries. This made for quite the unforgettable experience.


Life Begins at 30

By Kevin who actually has not aged

My standout memory at Game Changer was the birthday surprise thrown in honor of my thirtieth. The team totally surprised me with this epic celebration. I couldn’t help but get a bit sentimental thinking about the last time I had experienced a similar festive birthday party – way back when I was just a cute 2-year-old.

The whole crew went all out pulling off these heartfelt gestures; from decorating the place to delivering a special cake. It was an amazing camaraderie vibe, you know? Seeing everyone come together to commemorate my big 3-0 was just heartwarming. It really drove home the fact that the company is all about building those meaningful connections and turning every little milestone no matter how small, into a cause for joyous celebration. Game Changer knows how to make work feel like one big happy place!


Lemonade from Lemons

By Latifa who has all the family she needs

One of the memories I have of Game Changer is when I was going through a rough patch in 2022 when my dad was sick. Everyone rallied to support me; colleagues took up my workload, others arranged for cooked food to be delivered home or at the hospital, others would call me just so that I could talk or cry. It was an outpouring of (unexpected) good. I have never had such an experience at any company I have worked for prior. Employees at Game Changer are just not colleagues but family. The love and kindness felt is not quantifiable and for that, every day I look forward to waking up and walking through the Game Changer doors happy to be part of a company that feels like home.


Get on Board

By Macharia who knows a thing or two about boats

My top memory for what I deem one of the great works done by the Game Changer team will always be The Nairobi hospital 2019 end of year party. We had such a fun idea to execute an “All Aboard” themed event. And every one from the team was indeed on board. Executing an event for over a thousand staff and nailing every detail – roll out, props, outfits, engagements and decisions like talent hire was huge. We brought the fun and the boat! – Yes, you read that right.


Plane View

By Mageto who has videographed on land and in air

My first flight experience was courtesy of Game Changer. The icing on the cake was that I was on a videography assignment for a then ongoing campaign. To be able to capture everyone’s experience of the flight, while also feeling the rush was an indescribably exhilarating moment.


Happiness on Wheels

By Maina who knows the short cut to every place

Every project for me constitutes a great memory. Ferrying elements to different destinations that on site are assembled into an experience for consumers is always an amazing experience. It doesn’t hurt that as a result of this, I probably have been to every corner of this country.


Don’t Drop the Ball

By Mary who has mastered the art of juggling

The first project I handled when I was new was almost like walking in the dark. I was not familiar with the experiential marketing world, leave alone the term. My mind could not conjure up how an empty field during reconnaissance transforms into a concert venue in a few days. I remember running around, letting the wave of activities carry me, calling suppliers and arranging the execution and delivery of what felt like a million elements. For the entirety of the execution period, I was restless and worried that I was forgetting something but before I knew it, we had had a successful event and nothing had slipped through the cracks.


Everybody Loves Cake

By Martha who believes cake calories don’t count

The celebration of every staff member on their birthday is my favorite. It is always an honor during every celebration when I’m called upon to MC and lead the ‘Happy Birthday’ song thanks to my great (debatable) vocals. A surprise cake, nice words, a song and photos may sound small, but the impact is forever – someone felt special on their special day and that is presence you cannot buy. Every birthday is different and special in its own way and all these moments, when I get to host and crack a little joke with the birthday person, tie together to form one love filled memory after another that I cherish.


Calm During Troubled Seas

By Martin who never forgets a good deed

The most memorable moment for me at GCM was during the Covid 19 pandemic. Amidst the challenges and having agreed to a salary reduction and working from home, the future looked bleak.

One afternoon while working from home, a knock on the door revealed our office boda guys delivering a care package thoughtfully designed for all staff. This gesture not only left me amazed at the generosity but also demonstrated a profound sense of care for the well-being of the entire staff.

It’s uncommon for companies to genuinely prioritize their people, despite claiming to do so. Game Changer however, walks the talk in this regard, embodying a rare commitment to the welfare of its staff.

This was a welcome surprise to me, especially after all the stories you hear and know about with regards to the cut-throat corporate world. The unsolicited emotional and material support and provision by Game Changer during the COVID-19 period spoke depths about the nature of the company leadership when action really matters.

Happy Birthday Game Changer.


Hands On

By Maua who is now safe sailing

Getting to go do field work during my first year was one for the books. Coming in, I was not as confident in my abilities but being out on site at different events gave me the opportunity to see first-hand, experience the process and learn the ropes. I am now able to lead a project and steer my teammates in the right direction like a pro.


A Chandelier to Remember

By Muiruri who is a DIY connoisseur

The Zanzibar trip I took for a Coca Cola summit event is one for the books. The two-hour boat ride, the exchange rate shock and the guided historic tour – to name a few, were quite the experience for someone who had not been to Tanzania before. The take home however, was not just the success of the event courtesy of a four people team but the creativity in the elements we had made including a giant bespoke chandelier that we created from soda bottles. Such little touches are what keeps Game Changer ahead of the game.


Closed Laptops

By Niceta who has ticked zip lining off her bucket list

The team building at Kereita Forest still holds a special place in my heart. I remember this as probably the first time ever that I got to really interact with all my colleagues without a single mention of requisition or reconciliation forms. We had fun together and we made great memories.


Moving Mountains

By Nicole who has actually built Rome in a day

Last year during the 2023 Nairobi International Trade Fair, we managed to set up an exhibition booth for one of our clients within 24 hours. The late meetings and adrenaline rush was all worth it when it turned out well beyond the client expectations, and also won an award – first place for the stand that best interprets the show theme. Magic can happen over-night.


The Other Side of the Table

By Njau who now understands the weight of the crown

Getting trusted to be part of an interviewing panel made a memorable mark in my Game Changer experiences book. That the company valued my contribution in picking out the right fit for a spot in our department, showed its value for employee feedback and appreciation for the perspective of the individuals who will work alongside the selected hire.


A Room of Opportunities

By Sam whose pictures speak a thousand words and hold even more memories

Getting the opportunity to photograph Musalia Mudavadi (Prime Cabinet Secretary of Kenya) during our 2023 Coca Cola Christmas Caravan Flag Off event was a welcome yet unexpected honor. This ignited a greater zeal for me to elevate my craft because the next big thing is always around the corner.


A Happy Client

By Vaati who hasn’t mastered the art of drumming but is fluent in client relations

In my time at Game Changer, what has stood out for me is the value the company has for its clients and the dedication to do more than just enough. During one of my projects, we brainstormed ways to make the event unforgettable and as value add, we offered the iconic Burundi drummers to further elevate the experience. The joy of the client and the elevation of the experience by this gesture was amazing. I now always lead with the strive to surprise and delight.


The Making of Magic

By Val who now believes in reaching for the stars

A core memory that made me feel that anything was possible was experiencing the Coca Cola Christmas Caravan 2023 campaign.  Witnessing the entire process from concept to the impeccable execution of projection mapping on the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, the captivating fireworks and the nostalgic caravan amidst the excitement of the consumers was truly mind-blowing. The ability to give an idea life in such a spectacular way was a moment to behold.


Little Pockets of Love

By Shawn whose cup is still running over

The 2023 Christmas festive period was a first for me with the Game Changer team. Despite the pressure that Q4 brings in the agency, the team always found different ways and pockets of time to share in the joy of Christmas. From barbecues to surprise gift hampers and cake cutting, I enjoyed sharing the love right from the office and had my cup topped up to further share with my family once we broke for the holidays.


She Said Yes

By Wagio who is not short of talent

Game Changer stands out as an organization that gives people the opportunity to discover their capabilities. When I interviewed at Game Changer, I was interested in joining the Operations department but an offer was presented for me to join Client Service instead. I took up the challenge and I can now confidently say I am thriving and grateful.


The Silver Lining

By Yasin who believe it or not is yet to use a Harry Potter spell at work

I remember my first ever project that had survived all the stages of a client review and was now set for execution. By all the stages, I mean a whole lot of stages where a big NO can suddenly appear to halt your flow – but that’s a story for another day. Experiential does this incredible thing where suddenly the images on your computer are brought to life in the real world. The artworks are now standing right before you and engaging with other human beings. What was once merely just a concept is now live and in living color and it gives you the sense of being some sort of wizard straight out of a Harry Potter book. I’ll never forget the feeling of seeing that my work had such a positive impact on so many people.


Who Runs the World?

By Yvonne who appreciates appreciation

The effort by Game Changer to recognize and applaud us on pivotal days always makes for great memories. The 2023 Women’s Day meant even more courtesy of the company taking time to celebrate the ladies. Small gesture, big impact.


The Epilogue

By Patricia Mbatia, CEO who’s just getting started

In 2014, I discovered a profound truth: a good idea remains exceptional even when skeptics abound. Despite being told severally that our pitch fell short and facing a barrage of criticism that dampened our creative spirit, I held on to the belief that perseverance pays off. It’s crucial not to let setbacks get you down. Manage your emotions, stay the course, and you’ll eventually connect with kindred spirits who share your passion.

One of our very first major projects faced outright rejection from a big bank client, but looking back, it was merely a practice run, preparing us for our real client. When Chase Bank entered the scene, their enthusiasm for our idea, as well as their collaboration, and courtesy was unparalleled. They didn’t just come on board; they came all in.

This marked the unveiling of one of our most extraordinary experiential campaigns, ultimately winning awards and evolving into a signature series. “Shika Mita” provided consumers with a chance to step into a pop-up bank-vault-turned-lucky dip. People eagerly lined up wherever we took our pop-up vault, drawn in by the perfect blend of curiosity triggers, imagination capture, and a delightful lottery.

Through the past 10 years at Game Changer Marketing, the memory of this project continues to remind me that every rejection is a step closer to the right opportunity. Embrace the journey, stay persistent, and watch how your vision transforms into a celebrated success story. Through unwavering commitment, you can turn your idea into a masterpiece.

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